Privacy Policy
This document prescribes natural person data protection policies established by COMPLEJO LOGISTICO E INDUSTRIAL SIBERIA in compliance of Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013 establishing the regime on protection of personal data, pointing out the rights of personal information owners, as well as the obligations of those using personal data.
Use of Personal Information
COMPLEJO LOGISTICO E INDUSTRIAL SIBERIA shall deal with personal data recorded in its database in the following way:
i) Refer the information which is object of treatment from different entities inherent to the legal transaction taken place, such as: Mayor’s Office of Cota/Cundinamarca, CAR, financial entities, compensation funds, Habitat Secretary, Public Services Companies, Insurance Companies, Industrials Association and Residents of the Western Savana of Bogota, Prepaid Ambulance Service, Fire Department, and Notaries.
ii) Conduct project promotion, commercialization, and fidelization campaigns for the project that is being quoted and/or purchased and/or is a user of. As well as other projects and/or products of the company, with the information that is object of treatment.
iii) Provide the information that is object of treatment from third parties that is necessary in order to consolidate, promote, verify and increase customer loyalty and treat without limitations the aforementioned information.
Security of Personal Information:
COMPLEJO LOGISTICO E INDUSTRIAL SIBERIA protects personal information security, using several resources necessary to ensure that personal information is protected from non authorized access, disclosure and use.
Treatment of Girls, Boys and / or Teenagers Personal Data:
Treatment of girls’, boys’ and teenagers’ non public personal data shall comply with the following requirements:
1. Is relevant and respects the highest interest of girls, boys and teenagers.
2. Ensures respect of their fundamental rights.
3. Values the child’s or teenager’s opinion, having regard to his or her degree of maturity, autonomy and ability to understand the subject.
Complied with above requirements, COMPLEJO LOGISTICO E INDUSTRIAL SIBERIA. shall request authorization to the girl’s, boy’s or teenager’s legal guardian to treat their personal data.
Authorization to Treat Personal Information
Before storing or handling personal data, COMPLEJO LOGISTICO E INDUSTRIAL SIBERIA. complies with the following requirements:
1. The owner shall grant explicit authorization for such treatment, except in those cases in which by law, such authorization is not required.
2. In the event that Owner is physically or legally unable, his/her legal representative shall grant such authorization.
3. Inform the Owner the intended use of personal data, establishing limits to such treatment.
Validity of the Database
The database shall be valid for a period equal to the period the purpose or purposes of the treatment in each database are maintained, or for the period prescribed by a legal or contractual cause, or specific activity.
Owner’s Rights
1. To know, update, and modify their personal data, with those Responsible for Personal Data Treatment or those in Charge of Personal Data Treatment. This right may be enforced, among others, in respect to partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned, misrepresented data, or data which Treatment is strictly forbidden or which has not been authorized in terms of Law o 1581 of 2012 (or failing that, in terms of the rules regulating, supplementing, enforcing, complementing, modifying, suppressing or revoking it).
2. Request evidence of authorization granted to the person Responsible for Treatment, except when it is explicitly excluded as requirement for the Treatment, in accordance to Article 10 of Law 1581 of 2012 (or failing that, in accordance to the rules regulating, supplementing, enforcing, complementing, modifying, suppressing or revoking it) or when treatment has been continuous in accordance to Article 10 number 4th of Decree 1377 of 2013.
3. Be informed by the person Responsible of the Treatment, or the person in Charge of the Treatment, prior request, in respect of the use given to his/her personal data.
4. File before the Colombian Data Protection Authority, any complaints for violations of Law 1581 of 2012 (or failing that, in accordance to the rules regulating, supplementing, enforcing, complementing, modifying, suppressing or revoking it).
5. Revoke the authorization and / or request that data are suppressed when in the Treatment, the principles, rights and constitutional guaranties are not complied with, and /or suppression shall be effected, when the Colombian Data Protection Authority has established that in the Treatment , the person Responsible has been involved in proven misconduct, contrary to Law 1581 of 2012 (or failing that, in accordance to the rules regulating, supplementing, enforcing, complementing, modifying, suppressing or revoking it) and / or the Constitution. The request to suppress information, or revoke authorization must not be effected when the Owner has a contractual or legal obligation to remain in the database, or the person responsible has the contractual or legal obligation to continue with treatment .
6. To have access free of charge, to personal data subject to Treatment.
7. The Owner may query, free of charge, his/her personal data: at least once a calendar month; and
/or each time there are material modifications to the directives for treatment of personal information motivating him/her to query his/her personal data.
Competent Area and Procedures for Each Owner to Enforce his /her Rights
The Owner may enforce his or her rights, by sending a request by any of the following means:
1. To E-mail administració
2. Calling in Colombia to the number 3202862944
3. Mail sent to CLIS at Vereda Vuelta Grande a 150 m de la Glorieta de Siberia / Vía Cota – Chía Municipio de Cota – Colombia.